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World Outreach to Bangladesh

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Kevin and Sultana have been on a journey with the people of Jessore Bangladesh for many years now.  This partnership began through prayer and eventually birthed the Love for Muslims Prayer Vigil.  Through social media outlets, Sultana began correspondence with a young man named Dalim Gazi, who inquired about the video ministry, Reformation and Revival Now. Dalim had a ministry of compassion in Jessore Bangladesh. As Sultana began to mentor Dalim, she became known as Mama T to him and as he watched more videos from the Reformation and Revival Now YouTube channel, they began to partner together. One night as Sultana was ministering to Dalim, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. From that time on, the ministry has exploded with outreaches to widows, orphans and the poor village families of Jessore.  To serve and minister to these villagers, pastors have been raised up under Dalim's mentorship who are winning souls, healing the sick, delivering people from bondages and planting churches in the remote villages of Jessore. Dalim even has a campus outreach. Because of his work, one of the local citizens said "You are a God send to our people". This is how God Send Ministries was named and Sultana, Kevin and Dalim believed this was named by the Holy Spirit himself. Kevin and Sultana believe there is a strong tie between prayer and outreach, so they are asking everyone to pray and see if God is speaking to your heart to partner with them. There are so many needs in a fourth world country like Bangladesh such as food, clean water, clothing, hygiene, infrastructure, education and training. Please consider partnering with God Send Ministry International to reach the least of these with daily provisions and most importantly, the lifesaving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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